Kamp Recovery

At our drug rehab center, we don’t provide a standardized plan for treatment, like some lesser substance abuse treatment centers are wont to do.

Instead, we focus on providing every client with the addiction recovery treatment that will work best for their individual situation.
Supervised Detox
During detox, your body will experience the symptoms of withdrawal. There are many different possible symptoms, which will vary based on your substance of choice and duration of use. However, withdrawal is never pleasant, and in some cases, it can move beyond discomfort and reach outright danger.
Group Therapy
The majority of our clients start their treatment with us by heading to the drug detox clinic. There, you’ll take part in supervised detoxification! Detox can be incredibly daunting, and is one of the reasons that many of those who attempt to give up substance abuse on their own fail.
Aftercare Services
This requires that we provide all of our clients with a customized addiction recovery program in order to ensure that they are receiving precisely the treatment they require. By providing each and every client who enters our doors with a customized care plan, we can maximize their chances of reaching their recovery goals.

When a person attempts to go “cold turkey,” they are setting themselves up for disaster. For one, depending on the situation, the symptoms of withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable, or in some cases, even dangerous.

(855) 583-5866


When a client has attempted to go cold turkey on their own and begins experiencing some of these symptoms, they are at risk of relapse, since they may return to self-medication in an attempt to mitigate the symptoms of withdrawal. With supervised detox, one of our friendly and well-trained staff members will be on hand for the entirety of the detox process. This way, you can be sure that your safety will be ensured, and we will be available to do everything possible to mitigate your discomfort. When it comes to giving up substance abuse, supervised detox is the smart way to go!


Once you’ve completed the detox portion or your treatment, you’ll be ready to take part in our group therapy sessions. During group therapy, which forms the foundation of our addiction recovery program, you’ll meet with your peers in the drug rehab center for guided sessions. During these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to share your experiences and wisdom with your peers in the drug rehab center.

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